The Energy and Water Regulatory Authority (“EWURA”) have issued a public notice for the registration with EWURA and inclusion onto its database, all local suppliers and service providers in the petroleum industry as it implements the provisions of the Petroleum (Local Content) Regulations, 2017 (the “Regulations”). Pursuant to regulation 38 (1) of the Regulations, EWURA initiated registration of local suppliers and service providers to the petroleum industry in January 2018. The first Local Suppliers and Service Providers Database (LSSP) was published in June 2018 and has been updated on a monthly basis thereafter.

We understand that EWURA has registered two hundred and forty six (246) local service providers under the LSSP 2018. The petroleum industry operators, suppliers, service providers and the general public are being informed through the notice, that the LSSP registration for 2018 comes to an end on 31 December 2018 and registration for 2019 opens on 1 January 2019.

EWURA urges service providers registered under the LSSP 2018 and those who wish not to remain on the LSSP 2018 as dedicated suppliers and service providers for the Tanzanian petroleum industry to inform EWURA in writing in order to be removed from the LSSP 2018. Further, those service providers who have already registered and are on the LSSP 2018 database do not need to re-register where they do not wish to be removed from the LSSP 2018. For service providers that failed to register themselves for LSSP 2018 should register for the LSSP 2019 if they wish to provide goods and services to the petroleum industry. It must be noted that entities not registered under the LSSP 2019 will not be considered for any work in the petroleum industry in Tanzania.

If you have any questions regarding this legal update, please contact Amish Shah by email on or Geofrey Haule on