In an attempt to control the increase in the price of  sugar in country during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Sugar Board of Tanzania (the “Board”) through the Director General (based on powers vested in him), has issued the Sugar Industry (Indicative Price of Sugar) Order, 2020 on 24 April 2020 vide Gazette Notice No. 284 of 2020 (the “Order”).

The Order sets out the maximum wholesale and retail selling price of sugar in the various Regions of the country. The maximum wholesale price of sugar ranges between Tanzanian shillings two thousand five hundred and forty (TZS 2,540/=) and Tanzanian Shillings two thousand eight hundred (TZS 2,800/=) per kilogram and the maximum retail price of sugar ranges between Tanzanian shillings two thousand six hundred (TZS 2,600/=) and Tanzanian shillings three thousand two hundred (TZS 3,200/=) per kilogram, depending on the location and accessibility of a specific area. A list of the maximum price for sale of sugar in each Region of Tanzania has been set out in the Schedule to the Order and is available upon request.

The Order is in force from 24 April 2020 up to 30 June 2020 and during that time the Board has the right to review the maximum indicative prices as and when it deems it necessary.

The Board will monitor compliance with the Order and any person who sells sugar contrary to the maximum indicative prices, commits an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two (2) years and/or a fine not exceeding Tanzanian Shillings two million (TZS 2,000,000/=).

If you have any questions regarding this legal update, please contact Amish Shah on or Toba Kessi on