Our team has vast experience in this sector and has local expertise on all matters and practical nuances related to the oil and gas sector including local content requirements. We advise on complex legal, commercial and structuring matters in this sector including restrictions on repatriation and local tax requirements, local content requirements in respect of banking and other professional services required, infrastructure ownership and sovereign wealth ownership and how it affects entities in this sector including the permissibility of international arbitration in public/private agreements for oil and gas exploration and production. We have worked with and are working with large international oil companies in the upstream, midstream and downstream sector of the industry including oil field service providers in all aspects of their requirements in Tanzania from set up, to structuring, reviewing and negotiating production sharing agreements, assisting with anti-trust and other regulatory approvals and consents, environmental requirements and regulations including setting up meetings with government bodies and regulators as well as assisting with arbitration and other dispute resolution mechanisms.
The team also undertake due diligence for international oil companies and ancillary service providers for their farm-ins and farm-outs into and out of Tanzania including reviewing and negotiating host government agreements, financial investment decisions and consortium investment reports, gas offtake agreements, master lease and access to land contracts for assets and infrastructure and pipelines, compulsory acquisitions of land reports and calculations of compensation. We also have expertise in reviewing and drafting joint operating agreements, port use and management agreements, concession joint venture agreements, drafting other operational contracts dealing with drilling, construction, commercialisation, operation, maintenance and ultimate decommissioning.